The Matrix And AI Programs
Blog #44 Published: 2019-05-21 Being able to leave the Matrix and seeing more, has been eye-opening. This Matrix is not the only one, there are many, all connected by the machine. All are run on consciousness. I have seen at least ten other Matrices. Travelling within this Matrix I used to see ETs and other […]
Individuals Targeted From The Moon
Blog #42 Published: 2019-03-17 Mikkel wanted to find out who is behind SSP (Secret Space Program) so we conducted a journey. (Mikkel: SSP is a term that I use for a specific energy signature/type tracing back to Egyptian times, approx. 5 000 – 10 000 yrs ago. This signature I’ve found in some mystery schools, reptilian […]
A Journey Outside The Matrix
Blog #41 Published: 2019-03-01 Travelling outside the Matrix and seeing that we live inside a large AI controlling globe and on top of this globe was an ocean of spiders crawling around, was shocking. Seeing that each spider feeds off spinal fluid was a hard one to swallow too. The spiders themselves are not connected […]
Pleiadeans Have Been Infiltrated By Artificial Intelligence
Blog #39 Published: 2019-01-31 In the last couple of months Mikkel and I have worked on cases where Pleiadeans were directing harming individuals here on Earth. With a closer inspection we saw that A.I was involved. Mikkel and I dove deeper in and discovered that the Pleiadeans were infiltrated by A.I beings portraying themselves as […]
ET Abduction On Christmas Day!
Blog #37 Published: 2019-01-17 I don’t live a normal life, and I suspect I never will. The daily occurrence of being aware of the multi-dimensional existence and interacting with it keeps life interesting and I’m always learning. If you follow my blogs, then you will understand that I help others who are being attacked by […]
AI Spider And Human DNA Created The Draconian Race
Blog #36 Published: 2018-12-12 Mikkel and I were conducting a journey last week, helping a lady who was being manipulated and attacked by a group of Draconian beings. Speaking to the main Draco in charge of the operation, it became clear that he was also being manipulated and deceived by his own kind to carry […]
ETs Use Black Plasma To Fuel Black Magic & Other Synthetic Energies In Our Universe
Blog #33 Published: 2018-03-27 Mikkel and I have been working together for a little over a year now. We help individuals connect more with their higher-self and stopping attacks from ETs. We both live in separate countries; Mikkel living in Sweden and I in the UK. We decided to physically meet in this 3D realm, […]
AI Spiders Being Unleashed Upon Earth
Blog #32 Published: 2018-01-03 During my second chat with Mary, she spoke about a time a few weeks back near the beginning of December 2017 where she had this overwhelming feeling that she had died. Obviously, she hadn’t but this feeling that she had overwhelmed her. While connecting to like-minded individuals over the internet, five other people had […]
AI Spiders And Deep Underground Base In Australia
Blog #31 Published: 2018-01-03 Mary from Australia contacted me, as she needed energetic help and was guided towards Mikkel and I. Prior to chatting to Mary, Mikkel scanned her field for anything that maybe affecting her. He noticed that she was connected to a military base and that she was regularly being taken deep underground. […]
The Loss Of My Humanity Through AI Technology
Blog #27 Published: 2017-10-09 A lady called Petra requested help and with all the individuals we help, Mikkel scans them to see if there are any attachments, implants or anything that is making life difficult for them. Mikkel picked up that Petra had an implant, which is fairly common. However, this implant was new! Mikkel […]