Blog #24 Published: 2017-07-31
There is no illusion that Starseeds have been under attack since they were born. In-fact the whole of the human race is constantly under attack; with chemicals in our skies, water, food, and that doesn’t include the EMFs, or programming to diminish our natural abilities.
Unfortunately, they go even further and target individuals; individuals that have DNA that will help with the evolution of mankind.
A young women contacted me for help called Kathy. She was emotionally everywhere and was struggling to cope with her daily life. She had a turbulent life growing up in Kansas in the U.S.
Her mother had abandoned her when she was a small infant, and she had a difficult relationship with her father growing up in his care. Kathy never felt that she fitted in and was longing to be accepted.
Her outlook on her reality was very different compared to the religious community she lived in. She had contact with ETs and many UFO experiences during her childhood, which she could consciously recall, and that caused her to see her reality in a rather different way to the church-goers in her community.
Kathy was also carrying a lot of pain from her childhood which needed to be healed, this pain was causing her to feel disconnected from her family members and she wanted help.
Mikkel looked at her and discovered two layers of black magic and three implants. One implant situated in her third eye. This implant was causing her to act sightly crazy at times and onlookers would perceive this young woman as such. My job was now to remove it all and assist her to transform her emotional pain.
I journeyed to her, which is where I go into meditation and find her. She was full of density, and I saw a cord. This cord was connected to an old lady who looked like a witch. The witch was sending her black magic energy. I cut the cord, but I first had to address the witch.
I had to counsel the witch to get her to forgive Kathy for any pain Kathy had caused her, or else the witch would have just reattached herself. This relationship cord was attached in a past life, so Kathy had come into this reality already burdened by darkness attached to her. The witch, with encouragement, agreed to bring peace into the relationship. I travelled back to Kathy and cleared up the black magic which was surrounding her.
The next step was removing the implants, which was a tricky job. It wasn’t straight forward as the one situated in the third eye was connected to an alien being who was situated in Saturn.
I had to follow the cord which led me to a futuristic city in Saturn, it was dark and not a clean city. I followed the cord which led to a tall building and a humanoid being presented himself to me. I stood my ground and asked for Kathy’s freedom, and it was granted. The cord they had to Kathy was severed and I travelled back and removed the now dead implant.
Kathy vibrations started to rise as the blockages, put there by ETs and a very pissed-off witch, had now been removed.
Family members instantly reacted to Kathy more positively and more peace came into her life.
Kathy and I continued to work together through more journeys and counselling to breakdown negative belief patterns and let her discover her own self power. We also had to start the re-connection to her heart.
The heart is our emotional centre, connecting and
healing the pain within the heart is essential to our evolution.
Forgiving ourselves and others can bring peace to our being
and is very needed for us to evolve and embody our true-self.
Once a large part of her healing was conducted, I then asked Gaia if she would except Kathy and thankfully, she did. Kathy was now connected to Mother Earth.
Now it is three months on from when Kathy and I started working together, she is far more conscious, happier and now, is off in the astral herself, meeting Gaia and meeting her star family. She is also discovering that she can self-heal and help heal others too.
Removing all the darkness had opened her up to her natural abilities. It was these abilities which the dark didn’t want her to discover.
Kathy was very brave to face her emotional pain and move forward. This isn’t an easy path to take but a very freeing one.
Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs.
With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24