Blog #09 Published: 2017-02-09

Back in El Paso, Texas. This time with my husband, son and my mum. We are all at a coffee shop with my sister’s friends and a lady in her forties approached our table. I looked at her and she was a reptilian hybrid.

Her pupils were shaped like a cat’s eyes with very high cheek bones. It was so obvious; I looked at my husband and he had also noticed. She said hello to the people we were sitting with (the friends of my sister) and sat with her husband on the table behind us.

I felt so excited, that I had actually seen a hybrid. Adam and I left the table to discuss what we had seen. Adam (hubby) actually became ill for some strange reason while still in the building and had to go to the bathroom.

We put it down to the coffee, but I wonder if something else was at play.

I got back to my sister’s, and I sent an email to Jen, as my sister said that the hybrid lady knows Jen. Jen was the lady I had met the last time I was in America, who was a teacher, and she had told me about the reptilian hybrids and how most of her pupils were not human.

Jen had also said that she was taught to hypnotise the children, as all teachers in the States were. Jen got back to me confirming that the lady I saw was indeed a reptilian hybrid and that her husband was the same. Jen also told me that the lady was a healer and was renowned for her healing abilities and she specialised in stomach issues.

This threw me a bit as, I believed at that time, that all Reptilians
were negative toward the human race.

Adam and I went to bed that night. We had my sister’s spare bedroom, and my son was already asleep in the bed. I climbed in and so did Adam. There was a big flash in the room. Adam jumped up to look out the window to see if he could see anything, but he couldn’t and got back into bed and fell asleep.

There was another flash, and I felt scared. I lay there and the energy changed in the bedroom. I felt so hot. I tried to wake up Adam, as there was something in the bedroom.

I couldn’t see anything but whatever was in the bedroom felt mechanical. It felt like it was scanning me. Adam came round, but it wasn’t him that was speaking. He was channelling an entity. I knew this entity as I had spoken to it before when I had regressed Adam during a quantum healing hypnosis therapy with him.  

The entity was called Zen, and we had spoken before as was it was Adam’s guide, who was a very kind being. But at this point I was scared out my wits, as whatever was in the room was not good.

Zen said that “they” are just checking me out. “They” want to know why you can see them. He also said that they will be back but not to be frightened.

The energy in the room returned back to normal and I knew whatever was in the room had gone. I woke Adam up and we went downstairs. I told him everything that had happened, but he could recall parts of it. I thought we were upstairs for a maximum of thirty minutes, but to our surprise two and a half hours had passed! I couldn’t believe it; I was completely gobsmacked.

Our visit to America to my sister went downhill and it was good to get home.

I actually went and saw a healer when I got back, as I didn’t feel myself. I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong with me, but I felt low, heavy and not myself. There was a lot of negative energy during the end of our trip. 

The healer was amazing and got me back to normal. However, looking back and knowing what I know now, I think we were heavily hit with some very low vibrational energy and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was connected to noticing the hybrid.

Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs. 

With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24

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