Blog #05 Published: 2017-01-28

My first one was way back when I was approximately 24 years old. It was a summer’s day and I had stepped out of my house to jump into my car, but before I did, I looked up into the sky.

As clear as day there was a flying saucer stationed in the sky just over my neighbour’s house. I was completely stunned. I couldn’t move or even speak. I wanted to shout to Adam (my husband) who was inside the house, but I couldn’t seem to get my words out.

I stood there for a good two or three minutes just mesmerised by this thing, and I felt two beings looking right at me from the craft. I couldn’t see them, but intuitively I knew that I was being watched.

All of a sudden, the saucer flew off so fast it was difficult for my eyes to keep it in range. There was no sound from this craft and it was a beautiful looking craft, smooth, silver and futuristic.

It was around this time, that I noticed a triangle-shaped mark on my right shoulder. It is still on my shoulder to this day. It’s like a tiny triangle tattoo.

I found out during my awakening that these are common marks for people who have been abducted by aliens. I don’t know which alien race has done this, or why, but I do remember being abducted a couple of times and both memories are very pleasant, which I’ll tell you about along the way.

Another encounter…

I first noticed I was with someone who wasn’t human when I was in Malaysia.

Adam and I were staying on an island off the coast of Malaysia. We were sitting at a table in a local bar. I was, at the time, waking up to the Illuminati and NWO and all the darkness that had infiltrated into our reality.

I’m not sure how it happened, but we ended up sitting with two men. They looked like father and son, one being in his mid-twenties and the other in his late forties.

They had olive skin and dark hair with French accents. I was just chatting to the older gentleman, when I looked into his eyes and knew immediately that he was not from this world. You can tell so much by people’s eyes; they really are the “gateway to the soul”.

I asked him straight away, why he was living on planet Earth? He wasn’t shocked at my question, or the other questions that followed, and told me he chose to live here on Earth. His “son” asked if I could see it in him too, but when I looked into his eyes I couldn’t, and I said so. He laughed, like I was so stupid and didn’t know anything, throwing his hands in the air implying he was the same as the being he was sitting next to.

My mind was racing and wanting to know everything.  I asked if he was an angel, he didn’t agree or disagree just stared into my eyes. Really, he only confirmed that he wasn’t from this planet but chose to live here on Earth.

The pub was closing, and we had to leave but I didn’t want to leave him, his eyes were so beautiful and endless. It was like staring into another world which had so much beauty and love in it. He held my hands and said we would meet again someday, and I really hope we do

Looking back, I wish I handled it better than I did. I was completely unprepared for it, and I didn’t ask the right questions. He actually stated that I was asking the wrong questions but even with his help my mind wasn’t able to bring itself together.

I never imagined I would ever encounter a being not from this world, so when confronted with it, it was a shock. At that time, I thought all aliens looked like little green men, so this was totally unexpected. 

I said to Adam, after we parted from the two men, that I believed he was an angel and maybe he was.

I have had so many encounters now, and just writing this, more are popping into my mind which I wish to share, and I will along the way.

Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs. 

With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24

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