Blog #04 Published: 2017-01-27

When my awakening was in full swing it was very intense. I didn’t even know I was going through an awakening at the time. I didn’t know what an awakening was, I was not spiritual in anyway prior to this, so I had no knowledge, or understanding, of what was happening to me.

Why all of a sudden I was seeing motherships, encountering aliens and living off the Universal energy, instead of food and water. What started the ball rolling?

A of couple months before leaving the UK, I had changed my diet. I did this, as I became sensitive to wheat and diary. Also, that year, I had suffered two broken bones and was given a diagnosis of Osteopenia, which meant my bones were weak and if I didn’t make them strong with calcium medication I was going to end up with Osteoporosis.

This diagnosis is what old people get, so why did I have this?

My thyroid wasn’t functioning correctly either and was low. My body wasn’t happy! They prescribed me thyroid and calcium medications. I hate medications, I don’t even take the pill!  Luckily, within a space of a week of being diagnosed, my soon to be husband found an article about the sweetener Aspartame and how it stops the calcium from being absorbed into your bones.

At that point I stopped drinking the chemical crap that I had drunk a lot of, and in the space of two weeks my thyroid and calcium levels returned to normal. A sweetener was the cause of all my medical problems.

This sweetener had caused me to be in plaster casts for ten weeks in total. I also suffered all the symptoms of low thyroid, so I had basically felt like shit for months, and the cause was this nasty chemical, which I was digesting in a diet soda drink. 

This was such a big eye opener for me. The NHS was very happy for me to go on a lifelong medication instead of getting to the cause of the issue; plus, I had just been lied to at the cost of my health by a big corporation and the diet industry.

So, let’s get this right, the diet industry, pharmaceutical industry, and large corporations which sell the chemical crap, all contributed to making money out of me at the cost of my health. 

Actually, this was my first realisation that the world I was living in
was screwing me and everyone else in it.

Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs. 

With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24

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