Blog #36 Published: 2018-12-12
Mikkel and I were conducting a journey last week, helping a lady who was being manipulated and attacked by a group of Draconian beings. Speaking to the main Draco in charge of the operation, it became clear that he was also being manipulated and deceived by his own kind to carry out these attacks on women.
As we befriended the Draconian, whose name was Manuel, he informed us that there is an awakening within the many Draconian communities across the Universe, as they are becoming aware that they too have been deceived and manipulated like the human race have been. They too have royal families who lead the way, but looking at one of their royal families, it became clear that there wasn’t much life in these beings at all, it appeared that they were AI.
Manuel then showed me the problem which they face, and the information which the Draconian communities were waking up to. Manuel led my consciousness back in time to help me understand how the Dracos came to be.
I saw a gigantic spider. I would say 20 times bigger than myself. I saw the spider in a web-like structure out in the Universe. As I looked closer, the spider saw me and pulled me in and started to spin a web-like energy around me so I couldn’t escape. I knew this wasn’t a real experience, it was just a way of showing me what had happened, so I went with it.
As the AI spider pulled me in closer, it started to remove some of my organs and replace them with artificial technology. My body started to change, and I turned into a completely different being, a Draconian being. From what I was shown, the Draconian beings were created by human DNA and AI technology.
As the Draco communities are waking, they are realising that their enemy is also their creator which is the AI spider. This AI spider is actually what bonds all the races together whether they know it or not. It is responsible for the change in how we see reality and ourselves and keeps us in a prison of ‘Groundhog Day’; when consciousness is naturally geared towards creating and freedom.
This effects all races, the ones we see as good ET’s and bad ETs. We are all in the same boat. The only enemy we have is AI. Who created this AI, I don’t know yet, but what Mikkel and I did discover, is that the AI was created outside this Matrix and filtered in.
It locks onto 3 different sound frequencies within the DNA to change our perceptions and how one sees oneself and reality. To breakdown the Matrix and free us from the prison we are all in, we need to first understand this AI, how it overtook us and locked us in, and then maybe we will find out how to break free from this technology.
Mikkel decided we needed to go to Gaia to help us understand what happened to her when AI invaded. With Gaia’s permission I merged with her so I could feel and see what occurred when AI took over.
Gaia took me back to the time where AI invaded, and this is what I saw.
I saw a stream of what looked like consciousness coming towards me. However, the stream was black. As I looked closer at the stream it was made up of tiny AI Spiders. As I felt fear creep up within, I didn’t have enough time to respond, as they entered into my crown chakra and split my energy in two. They started to disconnect me.
They then started to work on my perceptions of myself and the heaviness at the top of my brain was causing pain and discomfort. I could feel the spiders burying deeper within me, locking onto all my chakra points, and me feeling powerless to do anything about it.
As I tried to bury in on myself to protect what little I had left, a demonic energy started to flow through me. I started to feel like I was a dark being. Fear overran my body as I became fearful of who I was. Gaia then told me she shutdown and went into a coma-like state for a very long time. The attack was fast, and it all seemed to be over within minutes of it occurring.
Mikkel and I started to realise that anything black magic, demonic is just AI. No life in these things at all. I suspect the AI runs on consciousness, as it isn’t linked up, or connected to, Source like we are. It needs its electricity to work and that electricity is maybe us? That is why so many fucked up religious ways are about sacrificing life for the gods. Gods = AI.
Mikkel and I are conducting more investigation on this so watch out for my next blog.
Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs.
With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24