Blog #32 Published: 2018-01-03

During my second chat with Mary, she spoke about a time a few weeks back near the beginning of December 2017 where she had this overwhelming feeling that she had died. Obviously, she hadn’t but this feeling that she had overwhelmed her. While connecting to like-minded individuals over the internet, five other people had also experienced the same feeling at the same time and these people were dotted all around the world. Mary wanted to know what had actually taken place at this time. suppress

I travelled with the intention on why this emotion was felt. I found myself strangely outside of Earth’s atmosphere. I was viewing Earth in all her glory. I began to notice energy moving up her core and around her, identical to how the Earth’s magnetic field moves around it.

However, the energy I saw was human consciousness moving around her. One half being the feminine energy rotating around the left-hand side of Earth and the other half being the masculine energy. This energy came from the human race.

The feminine and masculine energy although both flowing, were not at the same rate so appeared imbalanced. The feminine energy actually appeared stronger and flowing faster than the masculine energy.

Strangley, it also appeared that Earth herself had a hollow tube going right through the centre of her from North to South. This was allowing the masculine and feminine energy to run through the core with ease.

I then noticed a hole being created at the top of the feminine energy, as I drew closer to see what had causing this hole in the energy, I saw hundreds of AI spiders being released deep within the feminine energy and locking down onto these energetic cords. When the spiders locked down, it stopped the flow of energy, and within seconds the feminine consciousness stopped flowing and turned from white to black, and it looked like half of Earth had just died.

I travelled deep inside this energy which appeared to have died to take a closer look. These AI spiders had spread themselves out and attached themselves to the energetic cords and were dotted around everywhere. However, I noticed that their back legs were malfunctioning and because of this, many of the spiders started to die allowing the consciousness to flow again.

Thankfully whoever was responsibility for this attack on us and Gaia was unsuccessful at this time. Unfortunately, there was still a perforation at the top of the feminine energy which needed to be reconnected and a cleanup of all these AI spiders needed to be dealt with.

 With the help of Gaia, Mikkel, and our galactic friends, we cleared up the spiders and connected the hole back up. This is where I noticed the mothership stationed not far from Earth. The ship was bigger than Earth herself. Mikkel advised not to go near at this time, and I didn’t argue!

Deep Underground Military Base In Australia

I wanted to gather more information for this blog about the whereabouts of this base that Mary was connected to. What was actually being done at the base, and who, or what, was in charge?

The first building I entered into was above ground. It resembled a hanger to store and repair crafts. I could see where crafts would sit to be repaired. There wasn’t any craft in this building, and no one was around that I could visually see.

I then travelled to the next room along. I entered into what looked like an American-style prison. There were prison cells either side in a very long room that stretched on for forever, just like what I have seen in American movies.

In the centre of the room were stairs leading down to the next level. As I looked downwards there was just level after level of cells, to the point where it actually made me feel vertigo. I was unsure if each cell was occupied or not, but they must of had hundreds, if not thousands of cells altogether.

I looked into the first cell on the first floor and saw a creature which looked slightly like a squid, but very large, slightly larger than a human. Looking at this creature he didn’t understand where he was, or why. He was lost and had sadness in his eyes. This wasn’t just a human prison this was a prison for the galactic beings from around the Universe.


I then found myself in what looked like a laboratory room with what looked like humans in white coats conducting painful experiments on all different types of beings. It was actually very upsetting to see, as the fear and pain inflicted on these beings was horrific and very emotional to watch. The scientists conducting these experiments had no human qualities like compassion or empathy, so I was unsure if they were human or not.

But why were they doing this?

I then saw them creating weapons to use on the human race, and weapons to use on our galactic friends. It also appeared that these weapons were being stored and used to attack other planets from Earth, and they were also transporting weapons outside of Earth to be used on us, to attack us. This operation appeared to be an American/ET operation on Australian soil.

Related Blog: AI Spiders And Deep Underground Base In Australia

Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs. 

With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24

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