Blog #48 Published: 2019-06-18

With Gaia by my side, I’m able to help others at the very root on their issues. Gaia and I go to where each individual is projecting from within the Matrix and transport them to a safe place where there is no AI, no machines, and no spiders. I call this world the New World. It’s free from any darkness and it allows consciousness to project from a safe, AI-free place.

Once there, I remove the AI programs from individuals.

Gaia and I then work on the physical body removing chips that keep the Matrix bubble that people live in, in this reality, in place. These “computer” chips hold dense emotions and illnesses. We find parasites and devices that are spying equipment within the body, so what a person is seeing and hearing goes straight to the Matrix. We remove AI “spiders” and “live” spiders.

I have discovered that the consciousness within the body has been manipulated to draw in negative energy. Consciousness within the body is diamond in shape. I have recently discovered that the Matrix manipulated the consciousness to be in diamond shape. In its natural shape, it is an orb shape, but when the Matrix kidnaps consciousness from outside the Matrix, it splits the consciousness and places an “electronic” element within the consciousness and changes its shape into a diamond shape.

This weakens the consciousness, and instead of the consciousness breaking down negativity, it actually attracts negative energy, programs and illnesses. Gaia and I remove this element and help the consciousness return back to its natural orb shape state within the body. When we have done that, then the consciousness automatically starts to connect with Gaia and Universal energy. The individual becomes lighter and energised and a lot stronger.

I’m also discovering that the tummy consciousness is actually the one most attacked, as it’s there where Gaia and universal energy meet. It’s the consciousness, in my perspective, that is the most important. It’s where we connect with both energies and become one with all consciousness and create a protection like no other.

The heart consciousness is a “scanner”, it is actually constantly scanning your environment and gives you direction on where to go. It bypasses any technology I have seen before. Once I have learnt more about the other orbs of consciousness within the body, I’ll let you know.

We then remove the black goo around individuals. We discovered a long black “element” within the body, which attracts black goo around the body. This black goo holds dense emotional pain which creates a very difficult environment for people to work in.

The final stage, Gaia places golden energy within the body and surrounds individuals in this beautiful white light.

Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs. 

With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24