Blog #20 Published: 2017-05-01

My first experience detaching a reptilian from a person, was actually my own son who was only 4 years old at the time.

I had noticed his behaviour and changed. He went from a happy child to a very angry child who didn’t really want to socialize. My general thoughts at the time, were that maybe there was something going on at his preschool, which was causing the change in his behaviour, as I never I thought that there was something else far more disturbing going on.

A little while later, I couldn’t pinpoint why his behaviour had changed so much, so I decided to go deeper and travel. I got myself into a meditative state and projected my consciousness to my son. You can see far more when your eyes are closed and what I saw was shocking, but it also explained the change.

Attached to his lower chakra was a baby reptilian. It was attached to his lower back with its tail wrapped around the bottom of his torso. The baby reptilian was fast asleep, looking peaceful, and to be honest it looked cute. I gently detached it and gave it to my guide. I then worked with my son’s chakras to undo the damaged which had been caused. Literally, my son’s behaviour returned back to normal, and he became the happy child again.

I am thankful that my life path has taken me down this road so I could help my son. Imagine if I had no clue about the “Other World” and the how that world effects ours. I would be dealing with a son who displayed behavioural issues, which causes so much stress on the family as a whole.

He would have grown up with this being, which would have entwined itself into his personality. My son is a very sensitive, empathic, gentle soul, but those gifts could have been destroyed, and he may have become a controlling narcissistic person instead.

When detaching beings from people, I have witnessed that these beings themselves are not dark
but are used like ‘slaves’ to do dark things. They have handlers and have had no choice.

When detaching them I am usually attacked by their handlers as well, so it can get interesting. However, I have learnt not to fight, just using my own energy makes them feel safe and protected and when they trust me, I can remove them.

When I have removed the beings and taken them somewhere safe, they are very thankful for what I have done, as I have freed them as well as the person I was working on.

Mikkel and I can help people with attachments and free them from the very low density they are experiencing.

Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs. 

With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24

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