Blog #29 Published: 2017-11-03

Jane was referred to me by a lady that Mikkel and I had helped a couple of months back. Jane wrote to me explaining that in the last two weeks she had become conscious of alien abductions and seeing aliens in her bedroom. She was suffering with so much fear that sleeping at night was impossible. She also had the feeling that they were producing hybrid babies. Jane and I set up an appointment.

Prior to the appointment Mikkel scanned Jane and found that she was connected to some underground ETs and that they had full control over her lower abdomen area and also her lower three vertebrae, and there seemed to be parasites in her spinal fluid.  Jane also had false feminine energy attached to her, which is the fake feminine energy that radiates throughout our Universe. It disconnects us from the real feminine energy and suppresses our emotions and disconnects us from the real masculine energy.

We connected over Skype, Jane was a beautiful young woman, very high vibrational. We spoke about her childhood on how she was rejected by her mother and not understanding why this was had caused her emotional pain. It’s this pain that weakens us and also creates a doorway for the ETs to manipulate and control us. Therefore, understanding and clearing these emotions is essential.  First of all though, disconnecting her from these ETs and removing implants and restoring the body was the first point of call. With Jane’s permission I went ahead.

I first travelled to Sirius! The Sirians help me when it comes to dark ETs who are manipulating humans on earth. I arrived and the head Sirian-being wanted to join me on this mission, which is rare. She was excited and she informed me that Jane was one of them prior to her life on Earth. Jane was a Sirian hybrid!

We both travelled to the underground base and were greeted by a tall Grey being. In the background were five other Greys in what looked look like a laboratory room. I first wanted to know why they had targeted Jane, and they informed that Jane was able to jump time lines very easily and she had the ability to see further into the future then they did, and that they wanted to mix their DNA with hers, so they could obtain the same abilities.

They informed me that she had agreed to this, but they couldn’t provide a contract which she signed. We demanded that this operation stop and they reluctantly agreed.

We travelled back to Jane and discovered that she was carry a foetus. We decided to remove the foetus, as this was not in her best interests and had been done through deception and manipulation by the Greys.

When we lifted the foetus out from her, a portal opened, and the six Greys walked through demanding the foetus. All hell broke loose and before I knew it, the room was filled with many Sirian beings and Greys head-to-head with each other. It ended up that the foetus was taken to Sirius and the Greys left empty-handed.

As the excitement calmed down and the room emptied, myself and the Sirian being started to work on Jane. I split my consciousness so that part of it merged with Jane, so I could feel her body and communicate with her higherself. The other part of my consciousness was working on connecting her lower abdomen back up to her body.

I could feel the implants in her lower legs and severe pain in her lower back. We first started to clear her spinal fluid, as there were parasites, which were floating around in there. Once she was cleared of these parasites, we started to reconnect her abdomen back to her main energetic structure and I could feel the energy flowing over her tummy. We conducted light therapy, and her body started to feel free.

I could feel the emotions from her body, as her body had become aware that all this time it hadn’t been free. The feeling of freedom also brought in the realisation that she had been incarcerated for a long time, which was an intense relief. But it also brought memories of trauma, as the body started to remember what had happened to her;  how the Greys had implemented the disconnection of her lower abdomen, which caused severe pain in her lower back. 

However, talking to Jane’s higherself, I found that she was holding no anger towards the Greys. She felt that they were unconsciousness beings and didn’t have the capacity to understand the implications of what they were doing. She wanted these beings to evolve. We removed many implants from her legs and peace started to generate within her body. We covered her in a beautiful bubble of protection and a dolphin energy came in and surrounded her.

I travelled back to my own body and connected with Jane over Skype and relayed all that had happened. She informed that she had felt us working on her and became nauseous and dizzy to the point that she had had to lie down. However, she was very happy to get the full picture on what was going on in her life and having her body back. She informed me that she felt that she had a connection to Sirius before our chat. She also had a fascination with dolphins and when I described that she held no anger towards these Greys she completely agreed.

Jane and I have agreed to work a little more together to release the pain she has carried since childhood, so that this doesn’t happen again.

It is becoming apparent that ETs and entities that play havoc on peoples’ lives, can only do so if there is dense emotion within the individual. It seems that these dense emotions are a doorway to manipulating and abusing us.

Therefore, it is essential that we start to look at ourselves and express our pain, 
so we can move up in vibration. Once we are vibrating at a higher rate,
it’s very difficult for this manipulation and abuse to continue.

Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs. 

With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24

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