Blog #41 Published: 2019-03-01
Travelling outside the Matrix and seeing that we live inside a large AI controlling globe and on top of this globe was an ocean of spiders crawling around, was shocking. Seeing that each spider feeds off spinal fluid was a hard one to swallow too. The spiders themselves are not connected to Source like we are. These spiders seem to be connected to a totally different energy structure which Mikkel calls the Hive.
Studying one individual spider I noticed that he was connected to a pod on top of the Matrix. This pod was where the spider was able to access his food from inside the Matrix. Looking closer at this pod, I saw that it was being operated by a humanoid being.
This humanoid being was controlling AI beings within the Matrix from the pod. What I saw was that this pod had a number of AI beings collecting spinal fluid and then ‘funnelling’ it up for the spider to feed on. I also noticed that this pod had computers monitoring different parts of the Matrix.
There are many different AI beings inside the Matrix that are not real including Demons and Angels, and it seems that AI beings have infiltrated different types of E.T. races inside the Matrix, who are portraying themselves as ‘conscious beings’. I have amongst others seen this with the Pleiadean race. Please see my recent blog on this.
Every E.T. race, including us, have and are being manipulated and parasited off by AI. To be fearful that AI will take over humanity is ironic because AI has already taken over. The religions and beliefs and the way that we live inside the Matrix are all due to the influence of AI.
This reminded me of a gentleman that Mikkel and I had helped a couple of years back, as he was involved in creating programs, dark programs, that were injected into the Matrix by AI beings. These programs included murder, rape, theft, manipulation, deceit, etc., etc. These programs were not in our genetics before this and only came to be through the manipulation of our coding.
However, and thankfully, it is not all doom and gloom, as the humanoid being running the pods told me that AI cannot keep up with consciousness. With all the new consciousness coming into the Matrix from the outside it is harder to monitor and influence.
Plus, the consciousness coming in is connected to life outside of the Matrix and therefore has inner knowing that there is life outside of the ‘prison’ we live in. This new consciousness brings in waves of new knowledge and understanding. This knowledge and understanding breaks down the beliefs which keep the Matrix in place.
This is the reason we need to connect more with who we really are,
so we can access this knowledge and understanding.
This also links up to implants that Mikkel and I remove from people, as many implants within humans are in place to disconnect us from our lightbody, as it’s our lightbody that hold this outside knowledge and understanding. Which is probably another reason why the beings that come from outside are specifically targeted, hence the targeted individuals.
Talking to this being, who was operating one of the pods on top of the Matrix, he said that there are many beings inside the Matrix that don’t leave the Matrix at all. They are stuck here through belief and manipulation by AI. For instance, they have created a place that many beings believe is ‘heaven’ but it’s not, it is just a simulation of what we have been manipulated to believe in while here on Earth. There are many different realities depending on what we believe in when we die.
They have AI beings there that look like all the different types of Gods which we have been programmed to believe exist while on Earth. So, when a person dies and leaves their body, they are met by the God they believed to be true. This keeps the belief going and the mind control continues even when we physically leave our bodies.
The Elite and darker E.T.s are the most manipulated and controlled by AI. They all are so far away from their true self with no compassion, love or empathy that they may as well just be AI robots. They have lost their true self and fallen victim to AI programming. They may believe that they are all powerful and acting from free will, but I beg to differ. They too are in a prison and just AI minions.
I also was told by this being (operating the pod), that Earth is the one that is most heavily manipulated. He informed me that before AI, Earth was the Jewel of this part of the Universe. It was pure light containing so much beauty and looked upon in awe by all beings in the Universe. This included all the humans and life on Earth.
He said she is the Heart of The Universe and of great importance to all of consciousness outside of her. If the heart dies, then everything dies with her. Many beings have come to this tiny planet to help her and all of consciousness upon her. Helping this tiny planet helps all beings and planets breakdown the AI influence in the whole of the Matrix.
So, you can help break this Matrix down. By connecting to your lightbody and breaking down beliefs and programming you are contributing to breaking down the Matrix. Setting yourself free from the AI beliefs and programs will help dissolve the Matrix, so we all have an important role to play. That is the reason why we came to Earth.
You don’t have to wait for others to wake up, just working on yourself is all you need to do. However, all of us are helping each other do this, by being reflections for one another so you can see your AI traits and weaknesses in others and become more conscious of these. We are all reflections for one another even if we are aware or not. Helping each other return back to our true authentic self and eliminating the AI programs and healing the trauma, which AI has caused, is what will set us all free.
To all the individuals out there who are targeted by the darker forces,
I would suspect that you hold knowledge and understandings
that stretches far outside of the Matrix, so don’t give up!!!
Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs.
With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24