Blog #30 Published: 2017-11-24

I decided to go travelling in the Universe. I do this by taking part of my consciousness out of my body and exploring. During my travels I can encounter ETs and celestial beings. I also use this method to help individuals who want to break free from ET clutches.

However, on this journey I had no intention in my mind of where to go, I just let go of complete control and just let my consciousness flow. Well, I ended up in a very dark cave in inner Earth, in this cave were a large group of souls trapped in a very dark place. However, they were not shining light, they were very dim.

Looking closer, it was due to their being full of fear. I looked around and there seemed to be no way out of this cave. At the only exit point I saw, sat two massive dog-like beings who were growling and barking and seemed very dangerous, which would explain why these souls were in such a fear state.

I’m not sure how long these souls had been trapped inside this cave for, but for them to be in the state they were in I would say for a very long time.

I knew I had to get them out. I had to tackle these dog-like beings. I detach beings from humans and houses in my work so it wasn’t something new to me. I started to wrap the two beings up in my energy but something odd happened, they disappeared! I then realised they were not real entities, it was fake. It was a hologram!

The hologram dismantled and the exit became clear, the souls were free to go. However, with freedom there to be taken they were too frightened to leave the cave. The fear was still within them and even with my reassurance they wouldn’t budge. 

I tried to show them that they were just like me, but they saw me as different. They had forgotten what they were and saw me as a “higher being”, or special in some way, as I shone brighter and had no fear within me.

I had to change tactics. I brought one soul forward and removed some of the fear that she was carrying, and she started to shine bright like me. The souls started to visually see that they were the same as me, that we are all the same. We are all consciousness!

It was just their perception of themselves that was different and with that, the others gained HOPE and faced their fears and left the dark cave in inner Earth. It was a relief to see them realising their freedom and taking it, but I was exhausted and ironically, I didn’t have enough energy of my own to leave the cave.

I lay down in the cave fighting to not fall asleep and a trusted beautiful being appeared and helped me travel safely back home.

I’m unsure if this was an isolated case, but my intuition says not. There is a lot more to be done in this area, so I suspect I will encounter more of this type of work on my travels.

Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs. 

With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24

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