Blog #46 Published: 2019-05-29
In the last 3 weeks, my life has been turned upside down. I have started to see more of reality and it’s not pretty. However, understanding more on how the Matrix operates, and therefore being able to pass that information on to you, can only be good.
The Matrix is an egg-shaped “hollow machine”. Within the Matrix is consciousness and machine. The consciousness is hooked up to machines when it becomes dense enough to do so.
Consciousness in its natural state is like air, no form, no density, waves of beautiful diamonds. I also believe there isn’t a “source” for consciousness, like we have been led to believe, and that consciousness is everywhere like air or water. We have been manipulated to believe of a “heaven”, or “source”, to keep ourselves within the Matrix programming; like dangling a carrot, so we keep on playing the game.
This reality is a projection that consciousness is projecting within itself. However, this projection is so dense that it’s just as real as the consciousness within the Matrix, which is hooked up to machines.
There are many projections one can be living at any one time.
Seeing a consciousness inside the machine, it can actually project as many as eight, different realities and these realities are interconnected with each other. So, you can be a human in this reality, and an ET in another reality, at the same time. You can be living a reality where you are a ET attacking your human self. How crazy is that!!!
These realities are not real, just projections, but they do seem so real. It’s funny to me now, that I for the last two years have been helping people from ET attacks, and all I have been doing is going into their projections – which is like going into their computer game and rearranging it so the game becomes more easier. Lol.
Real reality is that we are plugged into “machines” within the Matrix. This happens once the consciousness becomes dense enough to be hooked up to these machines. This is one way they feed off us.
They have also implanted AI programs within us all, so they can attack the projection and make the consciousness so dense that we can be “eaten”. You may wonder what it is that is within us that is AI.
DNA is what they directly attack within us, as consciousness cannot be attacked. AI attacks AI so in order for them to do that they have to place AI within us and this is why we have DNA! DNA did not exist prior to the Matrix. We do not need DNA. DNA is only there so it holds all the low dense emotions, illnesses, past life memories, basically all the AI programs.
It’s to keep us not in the NOW, but rather in the emotional past or in the future. We then pass this down to our children. The DNA is held within the spine and radiates out within the body. Taking the DNA out of the spine, you lose a massive amount of emotional weight, insecurities and become a lot lighter.
When one awakens and goes “off course”, this is when life becomes a lot harder. This is when one starts to experience attacks at full force. I have experienced a range of attacks that I could write many blogs on, but I now know that they have been directly attacking the DNA.
When a machine attacks the DNA, they bring all the insecurities and emotions to the surface, and they do this to the people around you also. The machines manipulate us to attack one another. When they are unable to manipulate you in the way they want, they will directly attach a machine to you. This causes a direct attack on your nervous system and drains you of your energy. The machines are programmed to attack certain DNA which is how they target certain families.
Tinnitus that we experience is actually the sounds of the machines.
I know this as since viewing and gaining this information this is what I have directly experienced and also directly seen with people. The machines directly attach to the back of the head and spine, and they are directly attached to the Matrix. Thankfully I can detach, where before I would just have to put up with these attacks, but now I can stop them.
Chakras are also just a fake projection.
Behind the fake projection of chakras are diamonds. These diamonds hold pure consciousness and we all should have many of them within our physical bodies. These diamonds are our pure self, and this shines out harmony, balance, peace and joy. The chakras that people feel and see are just fake programs to take us off course.
Many people have very little consciousness (diamonds) left within their physical, as they have been eaten up by the AI programs. This is what we need to get back and we can. I have seen these diamonds encased in darkness or holding dark attachments. They need to be restored back to their original beautiful selves.
Please all the healers out there, look behind the chakras and look for the diamonds. These needs to be restored back to their original selves.
Another thing I searched for within the Matrix was Gaia. I was expecting to find a massive mass of consciousness, but in fact, she is a large diamond which you could hold in the palm of your hand. They have been unable to penetrate her with machines.
However, I discovered that they have instead, placed geometric shapes (AI programs) on top of her within this projection. This stops wealth and abundance shining through.
Gaia’s energy is the energy of wealth and abundance and these programs, that are placed on her, stop that shining through. I have dismantled a few of these using consciousness. I suspect crop circles are programs placed on Gaia also, as being geometric shapes, I suspect it isn’t for our value, or Gaia’s and part of the Matrix.
Authors Note: Through my own expansion, my perspectives have naturally changed and will keep changing as long as I choose to keep learning and growing. Therefore, information and knowledge are never set and imprisoned by my mental mind. This leaves a flexibility to grow. Please take this into consideration in your own life journey and also when reading my blogs.
With Love – Rebecca Barron 20.11.24